In the majority of the depictions of these rock’em, sock’em
robots, I’ve never been truly immersed into the origins of the
Autobot/Decepticon civil war. Think about it. A lot of adaptations of the
franchise take place on Earth, which is where they end up after destroying
Cybertron. I got the chance to play War for Cybertron last year, and it was
exactly what I wanted to see from a Transformers game. I got to see how allegiances
were made, who got betrayed and all the other juicy things that unfold in the
plot. I also got decent gameplay for my money, and I appreciated the way High
Moon studios pulled off the story as a whole.
The sequel, Fall of Cybertron, will hopefully cover then
final days of the war on Cybertron before they land on Earth. I’m hoping this
will result in another game that will begin what we are used to seeing:
Transformers on Earth! By the way, no one seems to have address this: the
dinobots weren’t on Cybertron according to television show. They were built on
Earth to give the Autobots an edge over the Decepticons. I know the game is
another adaptation, so they can do whatever they want… just saying… Fall of
Cybertron should be out before Christmas 2012 if the world doesn’t end!