Anyone buying Dirt 3? How about any other game that has multiplayer capabilities? With the Playstation Store still down, no one can enjoy those features, making the Playstation 3 a little less desirable. Players are so discouraged that some have traded in their PS3 games for something to keep them busy while Sony gets their stuff together. Other have even resorted to trading in the Playstation for an Xbox 360… really?
It’s hard enough on Sony trying to deal with lawsuits from a giant security breach, but do you have to stop supporting them altogether? Die-hard fans of the PS3 have given up their stations for the 360, which is great, but it seems a bit extreme. The network won’t be down forever as Sony has promised to have the entire PSN up and running by the end of May, according to punchjump.com. That is just vague enough to work out if it’s working in the next week, but that it won’t cause major backlash if they can’t accomplish that goal.
Besides, Sony has the gumption to leave their network insecure, why shouldn’t we take their word for it?