Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Street Fighter X Tekken

I just got wind of the new crossover game that features the worlds of Street Fighter and Tekken together. According to IGN.com, it is being developed by Capcom and Namco and with be on both the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. There is no release date, or information on a system bundle pack, but I wouldn't expect that info to be available if the game was just announced at Comic Con on Saturday.


There is the link for the teaser trailer, so take a look! It's pretty appetizing, but that's why they call it a teaser trailer, right?

Now, I always had a little love for both series; more for Street Fighter than Tekken, with Ryu and King as my favorite characters from each. The Marvel vs Capcom series was a goody-bag of fun times, so I'm really excited for that release, but I'm curious to see if this will just be another mashup or if there will actually be a story to it. Not that there's anything wrong with a slugfest between your favored characters from different universes (just look at Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe). I only commented on the story aspect because it's becoming increasingly important nowadays for games to have in-depth narrative.

That said, I'm pretty sure Street Fighter X Tekken will be more than its predecessors. Keep an eye out for it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mass Effect Movie

A damaged hero battling suicidal odds with the brightest, toughest, and deadliest allies the universe has to offer; that sounds like a bestselling idea, right? Fortunately, it is. When it comes down to it, my taste for the larger-than-life story is as big as they come. So, when I read that BioWare sold the rights to Legendary Pictures for a Mass Effect movie, I was excited and nervous all at once.

The reason being is that Mass Effect is an expansive game that takes you from one corner of the galaxy to the other. There are so many characters to interact with and so many instances where the main character gets to make his presence known for better or for worse. He establishes himself by helping people with their problems or creating new one, but it all culminates in him saving the galaxy; if only for a short time.

Legendary Pictures has a track record for being awesome with such titles as both of Christian Nolan's Batman movies, 300, Beerfest, Watchmen, The Hangover, Clash of the Titans, and Inception. Inception, being the last movie to be released, is a big hit from what I hear, and I hope that Mass Effect will be among those hits, but I'm still skeptical.

I have to assume that the movie adaptation will have to cut a lot of the fat away from the game in order to focus on the main story. I can only assume that it will have a lot of holes because there is a bit of a mystery that needs solving before Sheppard saves the day. And I most definitely assume that, after seeing The Last Airbender, it will be a mosh pit of plot points that need exposition via one character talking to another.

Another reason why I’m skeptical about a Mass Effect movie is that there is a handful of alien history and culture. I enjoyed listening to members of my team talk about their races, but the movie can’t have that. I guess I can live with that if the movie comes out to be three hours. At least then, there will be a chance to fit the main story of a 50+ hour game.

Mass Effect 2, however, is a different story entirely. I know that they’re probably going to try and incorporate elements of the second game into the first movie, but as a fan, I can’t see how it would work. I haven’t gotten a chance to see Prince of Persia, but I was a fan of the games. I saw a multitude of elements from each game stuffed into trailer.

Keep in mind that I realize that it’s just a interpretation, and that some people go nuts over interpretations because it’s not what they pictured. For example, I heard a lot of fan opinions about Heath Ledger’s take on the Joker, and many people were offended because that Joker didn’t properly represent the Joker from Batman: The Animated Series. So, yes, the Mass Effect movie will be an interpretation, but I can’t help but think about it in-depth.

Hollywood has a way of taking my favorite video games and television shows and turning them into rushed pieces of crap to make an extra buck. The Mass Effect movie is no exception, but I’m looking forward to it. Why? I’m excited to see how they will pull it off. I haven't found anything on when it will be released, but I'll keep you guys updated as I find information.

Still writing, still believing…


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rant 7/7/10

George Lucas made his own dreams come true, putting his own marriage and health aside to make his movies. He kept the rights to the Star Wars scripts and merchandising, and put his own money into making the sequels. No one believed the story was worth it because no one had seen anything like it before. But how many people are kicking themselves in the ass right now because Star Wars made such a success, and those people doubted his creative vision. Even 20th Century Fox wanted to change elements of the story after the first movie was a big hit. They still wanted to change his vision to meet their standards, and it set Lucas on the path that he's on.

This man designed something years ahead of his time, and no one appreciated it until it started to make money. Now, for me it's hard to write something that's original because everything I've tried something has been done already. It is, in part, because of George Lucas. I am, in no way, blaming the man. I've got nothing but undying respect for him, but I am speaking a truth. Lucas started a phenomenon and a slew of others had a vision and went with it.

It just makes me wonder about my work. There's always some story element that hasn't been exploited (and it's safe to say that the vampire versus werewolf element is being covered in the Twilight series), but it's difficult to pinpoint it when so much of the things that I enjoy are things that have been written, directed, and sold a million times over. It's difficult sometimes when I know that I'm of a decent intelligence, and of a somewhat creative caliber, but I can't come up with a story that makes sense and has believable characters. Maybe if I believed in myself, things would be better. Maybe I'm just ranting for no reason.