Obviously, if the game has the letter M on it, I cannot sell it to you. By law, I need to see a valid drivers license or have a parent/guardian approve the purchase for you. This does not mean run out to the car to get your mother’s drivers license to show to me. This also does not mean that you should ask the next customer in line to buy the inappropriate game for you. If you are not old enough to buy the game, you shouldn’t be asking for it.
I don’t care if you’re parent is right outside; they need to be standing right there with you to approve the game you chose. Now, when I rant about this, I have thoughts of society in general. When did we become a people that want what they want right now, if not any other time? Why is it so difficult to understand that if you are not old enough, you cannot acquire certain things like cigarettes, alcohol, insurance, and mature-rated games!
When I say that you’re not old enough to buy this game, don’t look at me as if you didn’t know. And if you really didn’t know, maybe you should look up some information about the ESRB and why the rating system is there in the first place. Bottom line; it is illegal to sell a mature-rated game to someone who is not seventeen or over.
Writing, believing…