On a separate note, I want to recognize the men and women that have given their lives for the freedoms that I enjoy. But today isn't just to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on. It's a day to thank those who are still fighting for our freedom, and are part of the reason we are still safe.
One of those people, even those he isn't in the service anymore, is my dad. He was and still is a Marine, and he fought on this country's behalf. Actually, I'd like to think that he fought on my behalf, and that he is the reason that I am still alive, as well as why I enjoy those freedoms I mentioned earlier.
I called my dad earlier and wished him the best day possible, and he thanked me for remembering what today is really about. I have to agree with him that we have to realize why we celebrate days like these; not that barbecuing isn't awesome, but why do you do it?
Anyway, I wanted to take some time to write this out. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day!
I'd also like to give a shout-out to my girlfriend's brother who joined the National Guard late last year. If you pray, say a little something for him so he stays in good health! Thanks, Joe!